Mirella Martinez, Pinturas

Mirella Martinez, Pinturas

Elegir tu Camino/ Choose your Path, 2017 artworks Escocia silvestre/ Wild Scotland

Roads Series or Choose Your Path.

 This series of paintings was born in Scotland from long walks and bike rides, paths around Johnstone, where I live. Crossing these trails, quickly became one of the most beautiful reasons to live here. I have always liked to be in quiet places, close to nature, something that in a big city like Buenos Aires is almost impossible. I was fascinated with the amount of life and colors that I found, along the way the images change, as your life changes and transforms, at times you are surrounded by trees, then between roots, as a lower level, more humid and darker, but moving forward you are in the heights as seeing a long landscape in the distance. One of my favorite attractions is to see the wild flowers that grow week by week, almost like a new function, in a large garden, the spectacle of nature simply being itself. Nature does not ask for permission to be, it is, it flows, it changes, and in that simplicity, it is incredibly beautiful and real.
First I chose these places for my attraction to the green spaces, where nature does these wonders, and then I followed this idea of ​​the roads to start a new series, thinking that I was walking and making decisions in my life, choosing to go through experiences, new situations and challenges

Between paths of Bridal Wreath, 2017 oil on Canvas, 50cm X 70cm

Entre los caminos de coronas de novia

Spring on your Way,
Oil on canvas, 50cm X 70cm


Search on your way,
Oil on canvas, 50cm X 70cm

Positive transition with violet flowers

Positive transition
oil on canvas , 25,5 cm X 25cm

The Life between a magenta color and a blue,
Oil on canvas, 30cm X 40cm


My Pink Path/ Life in Pink
Oil on canvas, 30cm X 40cm


Oil on canvas, 30cm X 40cm

Making decisions on a cloudy day
Oil on canvas, 25cm X 30cm

Walking to a new stage
Oil on canvas, 25cm X 30cm