
Mirella Martinez, Pinturas

Mirella Martinez, Pinturas

Just take a walk, Paintings at Gusto & Relish

Where will the path take you?. Brazilian trails. 2024 oil paintings

Art Car Boot sale, june 2023, SWG3 Glasgow

More decisions to take, more path to choose/ Brazil walks, 2023, Acrylic Paintings

Glasgow Pollok Country Park, acrylic and paper works

Kelvin WalkWay Glasgow , acrylic paintings

Solo show / PATAGONIA FANTASY en la Casa de la Provincia de Chubut/

Solon Provincial de Pintura Ciudad de Mercedes/City of Mercedes Provincial Painting Solon

Stock Exchange of Buenos Aires group exhibition / Bolsa de Comercio de Bs As, Muestra colectiva

Art Workshop in Spanish at MILK

Art Classes with GUHS Glasgow Uni Hispanic Society by zoom during the pandemic 2020/2021